⭐️ Handy tip ~ Right next to the beach access track, there is a wash down bay to give the car a clean after you’ve finished exploring Eight Mile Beach.
There are a few choices when you leave Broome heading south to pull up to and checkout and Eighty Mile Beach is definitely one of the ones that you need to experience!
We pulled in for 3nights at the caravan park which is located right next to the famous beach. This caravan park has alot to offer with its great amenities and well looked after camp grounds.
You also have access to the beach with a short 30 second drive out of the caravan park. What a spot to get your beach fix! You have so much beach to explore with hundreds of kilometres to choose from to set up for the day searching for shells or to go fishing etc…
⭐️ Handy tip ~ Right next to the beach access track, there is a wash down bay to give the car a clean after you’ve finished exploring Eight Mile Beach.
It really is a top spot and you can quickly understand why people rave about this place once you arrive. It’s definitely been one of our highlights of our trip heading south so far and we would go back in a heartbeat.